Progress Report: Week 3 June 2013

With the completion and publication of many of my older projects, I am now moving into the next phase of my writing. Production is taking less time, and I’m able to devote more time to writing. This week I produced an average of 2,367 words/day. That’s not bad. Merciless, when coupled with a full-time job and study, but not bad.


New words produced: 16,572
Old words revised: 0
Works completed: 0
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0

Tier 2 Task:

RomanceNovel14A—Taylor’s Story: Added 4,562 words.

Tier 4 Task:

Annual1: Added 10,908 words.
ShortStory39: Started. Added 1,112 words.

Publishing Tasks

Nil publishing tasks this week. I have completely focused on my writing.

New Arrivals

ShortStory59: To do with barbarians and bugs.


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