Adventure Edition: Fireborn - Babes in London - Little Girls Lost - Background

You can find the introduction to the Babes in London adventure sequence HERE.

To play or run this game you will need the following:

PLAYERS: Fireborn Player's Handbook;
GAME MASTERS: Fireborn Gamemaster's Handbook.

Both are available from

This is a piece of fan fiction. It is not endorsed or acknowledged by Fantasy Flight Games; it is in no way official; it does not indicate any form of relationship between myself and Fantasy Flight Games; and I do not claim any of the setting specific material or setting specific concepts as my own.



In the mythic age, the rise of taint led to madness amongst those of the race of dragons, and a rift formed between these and other creatures of the age. With entire broods losing their souls and minds to the insinuating evil, other broods began to research how the threat might be defeated. One of these was the Lawgiver’s Brood.

Led by a dragon who had been known to take the form an Albion druid, an Atlantean lawgiver, and an Erebean Unicorn Maid, the brood also included a powerful seer known as the Seer of Cathach in Albion, the Lady of the Bower in Arcadia, and Shefru, Temple Dancer of Prophecy, in Keheb. It was this seer who learned that the main form of salvation for the dragons would be in magical items that would prolong their resistance to taint until such a time as the means of taint’s destruction could be found. To this end, the brood used the talents of a dragon known as Havram the Gardner to delve into the secrets of the plants and to create places of karmic refuge, while Lewistrom the Smith sought finer methods of crafting in which to incorporate the magic of the last member of the brood, Shillealagh.

Their research led the brood throughout the world, traveling along the leylines and exploring the pooled power to be found where such lines met. In Keheb, it led them into direct conflict with the cult whose members called themselves the Servants of Set. In time, their conflict led to the cult sending assassins after them until they could find no peace in which to follow their research—or they would have found no peace if it hadn’t been for a small brood of dragons that happened to be in the right place at the right time, the PCs.

Having encountered the cult, this brood set itself to the task of eliminating the cult from the land, enabling the Lawgiver’s brood to return to its research. What items the brood discovered and whether or not it had even begun down a path that would lead to the final destruction of taint is unknown, for magic was bled from the world before they had decided to share what they had found.

Now, like all dragons, the Lawgiver Brood has been reborn and each of its members are slowly waking to discover their human form contains more than the fantasies of a child.

Anika Lawgiver (now Collins) was a toddler when magic swept into the world. She has just reached seven years of age. The Seer of Cathach has been reborn as Leyila Andrews, a lonely ten-year-old prone to daydreams, and Lewistrom the smith is now a bright, if somewhat independent and stubborn, two-year old. They live in the city of London and have only begun to discover who, and what, they are. Shillealagh and Havram the Gardener do not appear in this adventure sequence and their present forms are yet to be revealed.

Anika always had an overblown sense of fairness and the stubbornness of will to see that justice was done. Some of the things she came out with as a three-year old were far beyond her years, but nothing to compare with what she has been coming up with lately. You see, Anika is writing her own Book of Law—and living by it. When she started school, she soon discovered the presence of a girl that drew her like no one else—Leyila Andrews. They are friends, strong friends, and almost inseparable when not in class. The depth of their friendship sometimes worries their parents, but its depth is put down to an incident that happened a year ago.

Leyila was being stalked by a strange, but friendly, woman that she met in the local library’s children’s reading group. At first it was nothing sinister, but then Leyila noticed that the woman would sometimes be walking in the park at the same time as she and Anika were playing there and the lady always had something for them. Usually it was sweets, but sometimes it was a trinket or the name of a particularly good book that she was willing to lend.

Leyila began to sense that something was wrong, and Anika noticed that the favors she and her friend received were never extended to the other children in the reading group.

So it was, that when the woman called them over to her car, waving a book she had promised to lend Leyila, the seer experienced a foreshadowing of gloom. She hesitated, and the woman became impatient. At the same time, a man who had been walking his dog around and around the park began to move towards them. Lawgiver that she had been, and prone to noticing the little things that didn’t add up, Anika reacted. Knowing they would never reach their homes in time, she dragged Leyila towards the public toilets, hoping to lock them in safely until their parents came looking.

What transpired when the girls weren’t able to lock the cubicle door is not known, but the man’s dog refused to enter, and the noises coming from the toilet block were enough for nearby residents to call the police. When they arrived, Anika was standing near the man who was lying on the floor. Every time he moved, she kicked him. The woman was huddled in a corner unable to take her eyes off Leyila. Neither child seemed to have suffered more than a nasty fright and a bad bout of temper. The police later found that the man and woman were part of a pedophile ring.

Since that time, Leyila and Anika have been inseparable, with the younger child taking her lessons in Leyila’s classroom and only parting when each girl goes home with her parents. Both the school and parents have put it down to the trauma of the attack, but the parents are now having second thoughts. Such a close friendship can’t be natural, they reason and so moves have begun to separate the pair.

It was the job in Australia that became the catalyst. Leyila’s mother found employment in Melbourne and her father was offered a job with the same company. They are moving at the end of the month. At the beginning of this sequence, the two girls have decided to run away together, especially now they have located a third member of their brood. Their parents are worried since the pair have been ducking school for some purpose neither will explain—in truth, the girls have been looking for a place to hide out in, and spying on Lewistrom the Smith (now Beam) and his mother.

The PCs, meantime, have been looking for an item they remember from their horde. It comes in the shape of a torc made up of the entwined bodies of serpents rendered in silver, platinum, bronze, copper and gold. Its other distinguishing feature is an oak leaf made up of alternating pieces of ruby and emerald in a setting that locks and unlocks in the middle, connecting the heads. All the PCs can remember is placing the item in the care of the Seer of Cathach, but where she is, what she was, and where she might be now is beyond them.

The only clue the PCs have to Seer’s whereabouts is that she frequents this park and children’s playground.

Next week, I will post the Overview section for Act One of Little Girls Lost.


  1. Thank you, dveeeeeee. I have fixed the lumpy sentence in the paragraph you pointed out :-)


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