Australian Birds: The galah (Eolophus roseicapilla)

This is one of the noisiest of the Australian birds - or, at least, the one most people notice. I found this one grazing on his own, completely unperturbed by the end of a nearby soccer game, but cautious of a nosy woman with a camera. Known most broadly as a galah, they are also called the rose-breasted cockatoo. Their crazy antics while flying in flocks is the reason that humans exhibiting crazy or stupid behaviours are also called 'galahs'.

I got as close as I could to start with.

The raised crest means he's aware I'm there and watching me.

And then I got a little closer.

And closer still.

 I was really missing my longer lens, but it was back at the house, so the short one had to do.

 The wind was blowing, which is why the feathers are so ruffled in the shot above. In the shot below, the bird is giving me another long look, before it decides the grass is a better option than flying away.


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