First Chapters: Flying with Friends as Carlie Simonsen

Jack has been looking forward to the Christmas holidays. Not just because it is a break away from school, but because, this Christmas holidays, he is going to learn to fly. The only thing that mars his trip is the flash of blue he sees behind them on a remote dirt track. Why would someone be following them way out here? Is he seeing things?

Flying with Friends is the second book in the Wings chapter book series, set around a family with wings and bird-like feet.

Flying with Friends is available from Smashwords, Amazon-Kindle, DriveThruFiction and OmniLit, and will shortly be released through CreateSpace, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Baker and Taylor and iTunes.

First Chapter: Flying with Friends

Going on Holidays

Jack did not know where they were going. His dad didn’t know where they were going. They were following Jedda’s family in their car.
They were going on a camping trip. The school holidays had started, and they would be spending the month-long Christmas break in the bush. Jack was going to learn to fly.
He wondered if his dad would let him sit on the roof of the car on the way back. Jedda’s dad didn’t let Jedda on the roof of their car. He said it was bad enough she rode on the roof of the bus.
Jack looked at the cars passing them. He looked at the houses. He looked at the lights as they left the town behind. He watched as the hills and the trees rose around them, like giants in the dark.
Jack hadn’t been camping before. His mum and dad had always been too busy.
They drove until the car clock said midnight, then they stopped. They stayed in a motel with Jedda’s family. Their rooms were right next door to each other, but they didn’t go and visit. They just went in and shut the door. Jack’s dad said they needed to get some sleep.
Jedda’s dad snored. Jack could hear him through the wall. Jack didn’t get much sleep that night.
“Where are we going?” he asked when they met at the cars the next morning.
Jedda’s dad just smiled.
“Somewhere secret,” he said, and climbed into his car.
“Hurry up,” Jack’s dad called.
Where they were going was so secret even he didn’t know, but he didn’t seem to care.

End of First Chapter
If you would like to read more, Flying with Friends is available from Smashwords, Amazon-Kindle, DriveThruFiction and OmniLit, and will shortly be released through CreateSpace, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Baker and Taylor and iTunes.


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