Progress Report: Week 2 October 2013

Progress Report: Week 2 October 2013

A busy week playing catch up, but at least my health has improved. Monday sees a return to the day job, so more adjustments are in store.


New words produced: 5,257
Old words revised: 22,618
Works completed: 12 (all for larger projects)
Works revised: 3 (1 partial, 2 complete prior to publishing)
Covers created: 0 (1-3 variations)
Works published: 0 (2-3 release platforms)
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0

Publishing Tasks

Created 3 blog posts for this blog;
Edited work for Eleanor Maine and Ellie Moonwater
Edited ShortStory45—The Reptiles’ Blade

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

Chapbook14E-F: two more wheelchair tales;
Poem182—When Talking Doesn’t Help: literally—a poem;
Poem183—The Ogre Raid: poem about an ogre raid
Poem184—Starlight and Dreams: about maturing and what happens to our dreams;
Poem185—An Apology for Being Different: about being a nerd;
Poem186 —Hellfire and Trolls: about a dragon and some trolls;
ShortStory92—The Sonic Slayer: flash fiction about a different kind of slayer;
ShortStory93—The Apocalypse Bride: flash fiction about a starship;
ShortStory94—Voices on the Wind: flash fiction about voices;
ShortStory95—The Negotiator: about a new kind of negotiator;
ShortStory96—A Murderer in our Midst: flash fiction about a fantasy murder investigation;
ShortStory97—Trial by Dragon-Fire: flash fiction about a plague;
ShortStory98—The Vultures’ Feast: a ghoulish flash fiction tale about a dinner invitation;
YANovel15A: About a duck pond


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