Adventure Edition: Babes in London, Act 3 - Little Girls Found, Scene 1B

You can find the links to each of the preceding episodes of the Babes in London adventure sequence HERE.

To play or run this game you will need the following:

PLAYERS: Fireborn Player's Handbook;
GAME MASTERS: Fireborn Gamemaster's Handbook;

This is a piece of fan fiction. It is NOT endorsed or acknowledged by Fantasy Flight Games; it is IN NO WAY official; it DOES NOT indicate any form of relationship between myself and Fantasy Flight Games; and I DO NOT CLAIM any of the setting specific material or setting specific concepts as my own.

Warning: Due to a lack of playtesters, this section has yet to be tested. GMs may need to adjust opponents to suit the level of your PCs.










Scene 1B: Attack on the Artist

“The sketches!” Markovin cries as he disappears into the next room. Following him, you find yourselves in what looks like a large office. A steel set of map drawers takes up one wall and you catch a glimpse of a desk and bookshelves along another and a window at one end. What really catches your attention, however, are the two dark figures going through a filing cabinet, while the third is pulling open a drawer labeled: ‘Unicorn Dreaming’. “What do you think you’re doing?” Markovin roars.

Have the PCs roll for initiative. If they beat the artist, they have time to grab him before he charges the Setite near the map drawer. The Setites, of course, attack.

Markovin’s Tactics: Short of stopping these dark-clad strangers from getting to his precious sketches, David hasn’t thought what he is going to do once he has their attention. He will grapple with his opponent/s and try to push them away from the map drawers and then out the door, and will, if the opportunity arises, pursue any intruder through the studio, throwing whatever comes to hand – paint brushes, palettes, water jars and so forth.

Setite Tactics: The Setites have come to discover where the unicorn painting was painted. They have not overheard the conversation with the PCs. Noticing that David was busy, they tried to discover the whereabouts without disturbing the artist, figuring they could always come back when he wasn’t with friends. Now that they have been disturbed, they attempt to grab the artist and flee with him. Any PC looking out the window notices that the gate to the back garden is open, and a white mini-van stands beyond it. There are three more assassins in the artist’s studio. At the sound of David’s cry, they will come through the dining room, and join the melee. The assassins will use deadly force if necessary, but will first attempt to sneak up on the fight in the office and dart the PCs and David with tranquillizers. PCs must make an opposed Air (Senses) TH4 test to catch sight of them sneaking up.

Mischief and Malady: Mischief sneaks up the stairs to see what is going on and then sneak back downstairs to call the police. Malady was having a long, hot soak and has come out in a bathrobe to see what the ruckus is about. She watches the battle until the other three Setites appear. When she sees them (and they see her), she attempts to flee back through the kitchen to her private quarters where she hopes to lock them out while she calls the police. (One of the Setites will pursue and attempt to subdue her with a tranquilizer.)

Aftermath: Once the Setites have been defeated or driven off, PCs can obtain directions from David Markovin to the mansion known as Tenson’s Place. (Go to Act 4, Scene 1.) If either David Markovin or the PCs are captured the following modifications will be required.
  • If David is captured and taken away, but the PCs are able to fend off the Setites, then the Setites take the artist back to their temple and, after discovering the scene where the unicorn picture was painted, use his entrails as a source of divination. PCs do not get the ‘Modern Reward: Friend of the Artist David Markovin.’
  • If David and the PCs are captured and taken away, go to Act 4, Scene 3: Seek & Ye Shall Find. You will need to modify the action in this scene to reflect that the PCs have been captured and have not found the cultists temple through their own investigations; a sidebar will be provided.
PCs may wish to delay going to Tenson’s Place in favor of one, or more of the following options:
  • try to find mythological references to red boars. Go to Act 3, Scene 4 – Follow-up (Library Investigation); Act 3, Scene 4b – Follow-up (University Investigation); OR Act 3, Scene 4c – Follow-up (Museum Investigation), whichever is appropriate;
  • try to find out what the symbol on the disc and the Red Boars means – without going to Emblae or the Fae of Haverhill. Go to Act 3, Scene 4 – Follow-up (Library Investigation); Act 3, Scene 4b – Follow-up (University Investigation); OR Act 3, Scene 4c – Follow-up (Museum Investigation), whichever is appropriate;
  • go to Emblae (if they have played The Fire Within) to find out what the symbol on the disc and the Red Boars means – in which case the faery identifies the creatures as the Red Boars of Set and gives them the information listed on pp. 36-37;
  • go to the Fae of Haverhill (if they have played The Fire Within) to find out what the symbol on the disc and the Red Boars means in which case PCs receive the information on p. 37
  • contact allies in LN7, go to Act 3, Scene 2 – Follow-up (LN7).
  • contact the Gehenna Consortium, go to Act 3, Scene 3 – Follow-up (Gehenna Consortium).

Next Week: Babes in London, Act 3 - Little Girls Found, Scene 2 (Follow-Up - LN7)


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