Progress Report: Week 1 December 2013

Still not quite well, but definitely on the mend. I skipped all classes this week in the name of sleep and started an exercise program on Friday—a really careful exercise program as I don’t want to become sick again, or cause an injury flare up… again. I’ve almost finished revising the majority of the last of my early novels. I think there are about 9,000 words to write on it after that; I always find the endings hardest, and this one has two distinct threads to tie up. The two annuals are now on track for release late next year, and I have one more story to write for An Anthology of Blades, which has been delayed but will be released early next year. And it’s time to set up what needs to be written for next year, so I have some sort of program to work to, one with enough flexibility to let me play with new ideas as well.


New words produced: 4,132
Old words revised: 33,389
Works completed: 13 (13 for a much larger project)
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0 (1-3 variations)
Works published: 0 (2-3 release platforms)
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0

Tier 1 Tasks

  • SciFiNovel1A—Freeman’s Choice: Added 1,000 words; edited chapters 22-36

Extra Tasks

  • Annual13: Added 820 words
  • Annual14: Added 2,270 words

Publishing Tasks

  • Created 4 blog posts for this blog;

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

  • Poem229—Let Sleeping Dragons Lie: why you should not disturb a sleeping dragon
  • Poem230—The Welcome Storm: about a storm coming in
  • Poem231—Dragon-Lair Raiders: about the dangers of raiding a dragon’s lair
  • Poem232—Space-Faring Bungle: about the dangers of space travel
  • Poem233—When Zombies Come to Play: a poem about what happens when zombies come to play
  • Poem235—Dreaming Another World: about star jellies, foam horses and raptor fish.

  • ShortStory144—The Troll, the Hunter and the Cockatoo Flock: about a troll, a hunter and a cockatoo flock.
  • ShortStory145—Dark Sharn: flash fiction speculating about the dark side of a personality
  • ShortStory146—An Extract from ‘The Trials of Constance Mahone’: flash fiction about a woman captured in a steampunk Australian setting.
  • ShortStory147—Escaping the Hounds: flash science fiction about a prison break.
  • ShortStory148—Rock-Bound Wrecker: flash fiction about an assassination
  • ShortStory149—Salt Spray and Sanctuary: flash fantasy fiction about a dragon and an island… and loss.
  • ShortStory150—Don’t Mess with the Pixies: flash urban fantasy fiction about a pixie murder

The following older works and ideas were found and assigned a number:

  • Poem234—Fear Keeps Me Warm: a poem about the value of fear.


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