Progress Report: Week 1 July 2014

This week was one of the most relaxed weeks I’ve had in a while – of course, three days of bed rest, will do that for a week, so perhaps ‘relaxed’ isn’t the right word. I also studied for next semester, played a roleplaying game, and went to sword practice. Not as much writing got done as it should have, but it was a good week.


New words produced: 5,319
Old words revised: 0
Works completed: 18 (18 individual works for incorporation into 2 others)
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 1 (2 platforms)
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0

Tier 1 Tasks

  • Annual 13: Added 843 words
  • Annual 14: Added 3,239 words

Publishing Tasks

  • Created 1 blog post for this blog;
  • Created 1 blog posts for the C.M. Simpson Publishing blog;

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

  • Chapbooks14I-K: more in the wheelchair series;
  • DarkFantasy15A—The Salamander Chronicles: see notes
  • Poem392—Paths of Light and Dark: a poem about choices and ways to view life;
  • Poem393—Revelations: a poem about how things are revealed;
  • Poem394—Voices in the Mist-CandyReturns: a horror poem about a hunt;
  • Poem395—Long Ago in a Distant Life: a poem about alternate personal histories;
  • Poem396—The Ghost that Stands Between Us: about things that keep people apart;
  • Poem397—Childhood Memory Betrays: about the betrayal of a childhood memory;
  • Poem398—Two Psis-A Poem for Two Voices: a poem about the contrasting experiences raised in two different environments;
  • Poem399—Mother Stuff: a poem about a mother’s worry;
  • Poem400—Xenobiologists in the Medilo: another poem about the Medilo Swamp;
  • ShortStory318—Demon’s Bane: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about a battle against a demon.
  • ShortStory319—Longevity: a piece of flash speculative fiction about people living on the shadowy side of life;
  • ShortStory320—Neighbourhood Faux-Pas: a piece of flash paranormal urban fiction about neighbourhood relations and hopping vampires;
  • ShortStory321—World-Maker: a piece of flash science fiction about the relocation of a world;
  • ShortStory322—A Psi Becomes: a piece of flash science fiction about a psi growing into his talent
  • ShortStory323—Illicit Cargo: a piece of flash science fiction about an undercover operative and a space freighter;
  • ShortStory324—Bus-Stop Troll-Bait: a piece of flash urban paranormal fiction about a teenager and a troll;
  • ShortStory325—Medical Extraction: a piece of flash science fiction about an emergency extraction with medical complications;
  • ShortStory326—A Solution to the Dust-Jumper Problem: a piece of flash urban fantasy fiction set in the pixie-dust world


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