Progress Report - Week 3 July 2014

The week before last was the best week for the year, so far—production-wise, at least. Even coming down with an ear infection and pulling longer hours on course, I still got over 7,000 words complete for the week. If I could keep this rate of writing for the rest of the year, I’d almost be content, but another semester is about to start, so we will see.


New words produced: 6,966
Old words revised: 2,272
Works completed: 0
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 253

Tier 1 Tasks

  • Annual 13: Added 824 words
  • Annual 14: Added 5,755 words

Tier 4 Tasks

  • TweenNovel1A—Orb Wielder: added 2,272 words

Publishing Tasks

 Created 1 blog post for this blog;

New Arrivals

The following ideas arrived this week:

  • Poem403—Orbital Lovers: about finding love amongst the stars;
  • Poem404—Interplanetary Philanthropy: a poem about a rescue mission;
  • Poem405—The Price of Deliberate Ignorance: a poem to increase environmental awareness;
  • Poem406—Taking Care: a poem about taking care of the world;
  • Poem407—The Planets’ Promise: a poem about seeing signs in the stars;
  • Poem408—Dragon is Another Word: a reverse cinquain playing with language – themed around dragons;
  • Poem409—Remembering Revolution: a free-form poem inspired by Bastille Day, and written, of course, on July 14;
  • Poem410—Troll Night: an englyn unodl crwca about trolls;
  • ShortStory333—Moon Justice: a piece of flash science fiction about werewolves and the moon;
  • ShortStory334—The Warehouse Raid: a piece of flash urban fantasy fiction set on the pixie dust world;
  • ShortStory335—The Wreck of the Daun Sur Angin: a piece of flash science fiction about the death of a starship;
  • ShortStory336—Birth of the Pixie Prince: a piece of flash urban fantasy fiction about the birth of a pixie prince;
  • ShortStory337—Aquapearl Assassin): a piece of flash science fiction set in the world of The Reptile’s Blade;
  • ShortStory338—Troll Congas and the Fey Lord: a piece of flash urban fantasy fiction set in the troll-hunter world
  • ShortStory339—An Agent on the Mend: a piece of flash science fiction set in the same world as An Absolute Delight, The Death of Tarkine’s Wrath, and The Pirates and the Whiny Brats;
  • ShortStory340—Rookie Rescue: a piece of flash science fiction that further develops the world of An Absolute Delight.
  • ShortStory341—Morrow’s World: a piece of a flash science-rural fantasy cross featuring colonists and werewolves;
  • ShortStory342—Last Stop—Bryony’s Tether: a piece of flash science fiction about a crash landing;
  • ShortStory343—Prey no More: a piece of flash science fiction about kidnap and ransom;
  • ShortStory344—Scorpion’s Price: a piece of flash science-urban-fantasy fiction about paying the price for a family’s safety;
  • ShortStory345—Adopting Strays: a piece of flash science fiction about rescue and adoption.


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