More Titles Now Available at DriveThruFiction

Hey all, just a quick note to let you know that the following titles are now available from DriveThruFiction:

Basofi's Choosing

There comes a time when a young person has to decide which path they’re going to take. There comes a time when conflicting tides of family influence break against the shores of the future and the first step towards independence must be taken. Basofi has reached that time, but will his family support his decision, or will his choice tear them apart?

Basofi’s Choosing is set in the same world and features some of the characters from Palmyra’s Ridge.

Basofi's Choosing is now available in PDF from DriveThruFiction

365 Days of Poetry

Welcome to this gathering of poetry. It comes in a variety of styles and genres, and is arranged in no particular order save that there is one poem for each day. I have played with traditional forms such as the cinquain and englyn, and worked with free-form verse and rhyme. I have written about the world around me, and about worlds that probably don’t exist. I have tried to write poetry from the perspective of someone in the distant future writing about a new world, and I have written poetry with fantasy themes. Welcome to the worlds in my head.
365 Days of Poetry is now available in PDF from DriveThruFiction


365 Days of Flash Fiction

Science fiction, fantasy, dark fantasy, speculative fiction and a touch of horror, this collection plays with just about every genre I could lay my hands on. In it, I explore new worlds, new settings and some ideas that just needed to be gotten out of my head. If short stories are your thing, and the shorter the better, there are a bunch of them to be found in this collection. Go ahead and take a look.

365 Days of Flash Fiction is now available in PDF from DriveThruFiction

 C.M. Simpson: Short Stories and Poems from 2013, Volume 2: The Year Just Gone (2013)

Last year’s anthology consisted only of the short stories and poems published in 2012. This year’s anthology consists of all the short stories and poems that I created, edited or rewrote in 2013, regardless of whether or not they have been released. The tales are taken from completed anthologies, and anthologies yet to come, from my blog, and from my notebooks. Most are published as stand-alone stories, but some are yet to be published.

Also, where last year’s anthology was a single volume, this year’s anthology is two volumes long. I have divided them up chronologically, according to when the stories were first created and completed. This is the second volume, and it covers work completed or released in 2013. It consists of a mix of poetry, flash fiction and short stories.

C.M. Simpson: Short Stories and Poems from 2013, Volume 2: The Year Just Gone (2013) is not available in PDF from DriveThruFiction


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