Progress Report: Week 4, August 16-22, 2015
Pretty busy week. I completed a 2,500-word research essay for one of my university subjects and thirty pieces of poetry and flash fiction. I also completed a chapter book for younger young adults, and designed a cover for a short story, which I then edited, formatted and uploaded to five different platforms. Not bad for a week with classes and other study thrown in.
words produced: 10,119
words revised: 0
completed: 31
revised: 0
created: 0
published: 0
submitted: 0
Entered: 0
Bloggery: 871
Prep and Assignments: 3,640
Back-on-Track Challenge:
covers for, edit, format, and upload the following:
- ShortStory474—Hammer and the Trolls released on schedule on August 16, 2015
New Writing
- Chapbook5E—Rocky and the Spacefarer’s Christmas is now complete and moves up into the category above. It is due for release in December 2015.
- Chapbook5B—Rocky and the Great Teddybear Rescue: Added 1,000 words. This is due for release in January 2016.
Publishing Tasks
- Created 3 blog posts for this blog;
- Created 3 blog post for the C.M. Simpson Publishing blog;
- Created 2 blog post for the C.M. Simpson Art and Photography blog;
New Arrivals
The following pieces arrived last week and
were completed:
- Poem619—Moving Forward: a speculative poem about finding new paths in life;
- Poem620—To Do is to…: A speculative poem about the meaning of actions;
- Poem621—Live Again: a science fiction poem about bringing lost species to life;
- Poem622—A Winter’s Night: a real-life-based series of haiku about a winter’s night;
- Poem623—A Battle with the Troll Lords: a fantasy poem about a human-troll battle;
- Poem624—I Gather Data with my Eyes: a poem about writing;
- Poem625—Into the Unknown: a science fiction poem imagining how the first warp was viewed;
- Poem626—Victory in Discovery: a science fiction poem imagining how achieving in the face of doubt might feel;
- Poem627—Coffee Woes in Space: a science fiction poem imagining how an Australian stockman might feel while travelling across space;
- Poem628—A Prayer for Dragons: a series of englyn penfyr about dragons;
- Poem629—Return to Me: a series of englyn milwr about an absence;
- Poem630—Dragons and Daylight: a series of tanka about dragons;
- Poem631—The Seeking Dragons: a series of tanka about more dragons;
- Poem632—The Medilo Acrostic: an acrostic about the dangers of the Medilo Swamp;
- Poem633—The Astronauts and the Clowns: a science fiction Alexandrine-style verse about overlords and astronauts;
- Poem634—Soldier, Warrior, Fighter, Love: a speculative cinquain about soldiers;
- Poem635—The People in My Life: a found poem about people and the poet;
- ShortStory532—Possums in the Firelight: a piece of flash speculative fiction about werebeasts.
- ShortStory533—Break from the Dying World: a piece of flash science fiction about a dying world and a rescue mission without hope.
- ShortStory534—Flame Trees: a piece of fantasy flash fiction about trees.
- ShortStory535—When Jonquil Called the Sun: a piece of science flash fiction about trolls.
- ShortStory536—The Flashlight Diversion: a piece of urban fantasy flash fiction about trolls.
- ShortStory537—Environmental Assignment: a piece of science flash fiction about a natural disaster and reparation;
- ShortStory538—The Veterinary Shore: a piece of science flash fiction about first contact;
- ShortStory539—Lady Mirabella and the Raiders: a piece of science flash fiction about taking risks and dealing with your enemies;
- ShortStory540—A Fistful of Cobblers: a piece of science flash fiction about a change in life;
- ShortStory541—Party Birds: a piece of speculative flash fiction about birds who like to party;
- ShortStory542—End the Day Well: a piece of post-apocalyptic flash fiction about how to end the day well;
- ShortStory543—In Memoriam: a piece of post-apocalyptic flash fiction about the importance of remembering;
- ShortStory544—Louise’s Calling: a piece of post-apocalyptic, urban fantasy flash fiction about troubled times and a debt.
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