Progress Report: Week 1, September 27-October 3, 2015

A busy week, this one kicked off with a convention, demanded time for an assignment and lesson preparation, and reminded me that I need to exercise regularly in order to keep well. So, I instituted three new things this week – the minimum word goal of 2,000 words/day, the personal word goal of 4,000 publishable words a day, and two half-hour walks each day. Since instigating these on Wednesday, I haven’t missed a walk or the 2,000-word mark, but I have missed one personal goal day. That’s not too bad, and next week, I’ll do better.


New words produced: 11,994
Old words revised: 0
Works completed: 14 (for inclusion in 1 other work)
Works revised: 0
Covers created: 0
Works published: 0
Works submitted: 0
Competitions Entered: 0
Bloggery: 1,433
University Prep and Assignments: 7,048

Back-on-Track Challenge:
  • Design covers for, edit, format, and upload the following:
    • Nil
  • Finish:
    • Annual28—366 Days of Flash Fiction (January 2016 – moved from December 2015): Adjusted the publication date, added11,900 words.
  • New Writing:
    • Nil

Publishing Tasks

  • Created 1 blog post for this blog.

New Arrivals

The following pieces arrived last week and were completed:

  • ShortStory545—The People of Walloon: a piece of flash science fiction about a first contact;
  • ShortStory546—The Werrusk and the Bellegar: a piece of flash science fiction about living in the clouds;
  • ShortStory547—The Halfling’s Quest: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about a halfling monk;
  • ShortStory548—Tiramar and the Druid: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about a druid, a lady and a pirate’s lies;
  • ShortStory549—The Dragon Queen’s Emissary: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about a dragon’s conquest;
  • ShortStory550—Abigail and the Fairy Queen: a piece of flash fantasy fiction set in the dustrunner world;
  • ShortStory551—The Hazards of Homework: a piece of flash urban fantasy about an urban wizard and some homework that gets all too real;
  • ShortStory552—After the War: a piece of flash post-apocalyptic fiction about a library, a war and the survivors;
  • ShortStory553—Almost Forbidden: a piece of flash speculative fiction about some shape-shifting birds, a forbidden tryst, and true love;
  • ShortStory554—The Ocean’s Gift: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about seashells and a father’s love;
  • ShortStory555—Shanra and the Iskevar: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about exploration, first contact and the ethics of conservation.
  • ShortSTory556—Spiders Under Siege: a piece of flash fantasy fiction about spiders, assassins and a siege;
  • ShortStory557—Tania and the Weeping Dove: a piece of flash urban fantasy about a weeping dove, vampires and a boxful of photographs;
  • ShortStory558—The Peacock’s Secret: a piece of flash urban fantasy about a peacock warrior, a vampire and an organisation with a mole.

The following pieces arrived last week and are awaiting completion:

  • Novella27B
  • Novella28A
  • PictureBook30A


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