Just to let you know that the novella-length dark fantasy short story has released, and will soon be available on the following platforms in a variety of formats: Amazon.com, Smashwords.com, Omnilit.com, Kobo.com, DriveThruFiction.com; and trade and mass market paperback versions are being released via CreateSpace. Distribution will also occur through Draft2Digital.com.

Being a bodyguard isn’t easy, not even when you’re the seventh son in a long line of seventh sons, not even when the magic comes when you call—and especially not when the man you are protecting is a treacherous, lecherous spoilt son of wealth and privilege, who betrays you for a pretty girl. Transported to the far north, Seppelitus must extricate himself from a deal between gargoyles, ogres and a demon lord, and then work out what he’s going to do about the dragon.


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