Publishing Business: Repricing Completed

Over the last, few days, I’ve been reviewing my pricing, and I decided to make a few changes:
In preparation for bundling my existing chapter books into collections, I have repriced all individual chapter book titles from $3.99 to $2.99 U.S. This will allow existing readers to choose whether or not they want to buy individual titles, or wait the two years for the first bundle of any series to come out. It will also give new readers a way to catch up, more easily, on an existing series. Collections will be priced at $4.99, and will contain a minimum of 4 individual chapter book titles.
I also repriced all my novels to $5.99 U.S., and all collections and anthologies to $4.99.
And, finally, all pre-orders will be priced at $2.99 until the day of their release, when they will be repriced to their usual sales price, whatever it may be. This means that A Planet’s Ransom is currently priced at $2.99, but will go back up to $4.99 on, or shortly after January 13th (U.S. EST).
And that's it for repricing... at least, for the moment.


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