Writing Log: Blaedergil’s Host, Dear Tiger, and Camp NaNo

19/03: Dear Tiger: Let's Go A-Hunting: Revised/edited yesterday's words. Added around 300 words here. Went on to add another 3,580. After that I created a cover for, and added 3,046 words to, Blaedergil’s Host, and did a little social media,.

20/03: Today I created the cover for, and added 3,304 words to Dear Tiger: Let’s Go A-Hunting. After that, I spent a half hour on another project before adding another 3,041 words to Blaedergil’s Host.

21/03: Today, I got hurt my back and could not sit for extended periods of time. Of the 4 hours I managed, I spent too much time on social media, and only wrote 158 words on Blaedergil’s Host.

22/03: With the time lost yesterday, and with my back continuing to be painful, today, I had to prioritise my publishing goals. I dropped work on Blaedergil’s Host so that I could finish Dear Tiger: Let’s Go A-Hunting and, hopefully, start on Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters. I managed the 2, 031 words needed to complete Dear Tiger: Let’s Go A-Hunting, and wrote the outline and the first 407 on Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters. Both these chapter books are due for release in April.

23/03: Continued back pain made it difficult to write. I only added 1,093 words to Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters, and was not able to return to Blaedergil’s Host.

24/03: The back pain continued, but I was able to sit at the desk for longer periods of time. The pain was also less distracting, so I managed 3,965 words on Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters, but none on Blaedergil’s Host. If my back improves, I hope to get back to that next week.


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