Progress Report—May 20-26, 2018

Last week, I ran across a couple of short-story submission opportunities - and I also had an omnibus to release. The initial time budget was a day for each short story, two days to finalise the release format, and three days to add words to the chapter book that decided to become a novel, and the next novel in the Mack 'n' Me 'n' Odyssey series. Well, that was a bust.

The first short story refused to cooperate. Point blank. Nuh uh. No way. No how. I wrestled 3,000 words into it, and then worked out I'd written the beginning wrong. That took three days. During that time, I took a lot of breaks so I could think out what to do next, and I made sure not to waste the time. I updated the titles missing from Kobo, reformatted a couple of Smashwords titles, and got my Pinterest boards up to date. I even went for walks, and did household tasks.

And NONE of it worked... until I worked out, and accepted, the story needed a total rewrite. After that, it was two days to completion, leaving me just one to complete the other short story. That one was a lot more cooperative, and let me get down the last 5,070 words in 6 hours and 23 minutes, spread over an afternoon and the next half day. That second short story taught me just how much fun it is to write in a universe you know, with characters with whom your familiar. I'll have to write in series more often.

Of course, this meant I got nothing done on the the fourth novel in the series, or the YA novel that grew out of a chapter book, but the stories were done, and given a full edit (several times during, and twice after, writing). This week coming? This week, I get to write!

So, progress. Last week's progress was as follows:

Progress: May 20-26, 2018

  • New words produced: 20,217
  • Outlines and Notes: 13
  • Words compiled: 0
  • Works completed: 0
  • Works edited: 1 (The Dear Tiger Omnibus)
  • Covers created: 0
  • Works formatted: 1 (The Dear Tiger Omnibus – 6 formats for 6 platforms; Mack ‘n’ Me: Blaedergil’s Host – CreateSpace large-print format)
  • Works published: 1 (The Dear Tiger Omnibus)
  • Works released: 1 (The Dear Tiger Omnibus)
  • Works submitted: 2 (TBA)
  • Competitions Entered: 0
  • Bloggery: 3,572
  • Hours at Desk—May 20-26: 72 hours 18 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—May 13-19: 63 hours 39 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—May 6-12: 70 hours 50 minutes
  • Hours at Desk—May 1-5: 48 hours 26 minutes
  • April Hours at Desk: 167 hours 41 minutes
  • March Hours at Desk: 201 hours 43 minutes
  • February Hours at Desk: 183 hours 50 minutes
  • January Hours at Desk: 180 hours 3 minutes


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