New Cover—Jalaya

When I started this gig, I didn’t have a budget. Things are a little better, now, but still not up to the point where I can hire a cover artist for four covers a month. I’m getting there, but it isn’t, now. However, I have improved my skills in creating my own covers, and some of my earlier stories deserve better. You’ll see more cover upgrades as the year progresses, and I expand out to other sales platforms, but this is the first—for a story that won my heart a second time: Jalaya.
Jalaya will be re-released this week, and I’ll announce it here. In the meantime, I hope you like the new cover as much as I do.

Michael has helped the villagers survive the invasion for ten years. This year, he cannot. Cut off from escape, their only hope of salvation is to return to the village, and pray. Returning to the village means returning to his fiancé, forced by a secret family tradition to remain, when duty called him to leave. But reunions will have to wait. First Michael and their daughter have to bring their people home.


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