It's Been That Kind of A Day - Have a RoadTrip Sunset

So, after a midnight finish to the writing and research, yesterday, I slept until seven, and then had housework to catch up on. I think I managed a few hundred words on the novel, before heading up to Sydney on an errand. We left at 13:00, and got back at around 20:00. Needless to say, after cooking dinner, and putting the podling to bed, I am knackered.

About the last thing I wanted to do in the email round-up was to get my head around yet another new app because my team had decided that was the only way all players could be kept informed for an event, regardless of how they felt about it. So, yay... I get to learn another skill... I guess.

Anyway, highlight of the day was the sunset coming back from Sydney. It lifted my spirits. Let's hope it lifts yours, too.

And there was rain! Made my day.

Here's hoping your days ended just as well.

Take care out there - and stay safe.


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