Pictures from Yesterday's Walking

So, I hurt my back. This time I was lucky, and was still mobile after it tweaked. Last time, that took a few days. The thing is sitting or standing still makes it stiffen up and hurt, so I've had to spend time away from the desk and get out and walk. Anyone playing Ingress, locally, will have noticed the increase in activity, as will my PokemonGo buddies. Anyway, after two days of this, I'm able to sit for longer at the desk, and write more. The side bonus to all this is that my wrist and elbow are getting more rest than I would have allowed them otherwise, and are hurting a lot less, too. I can type for longer periods, now, too. So - exercise, writer-folk - apparently it really is good for you.

I forgot to take pictures today, but remembered yesterday... that and I saw a blue tongue in the garden when I got home from my last walk, and that lifted my heart. Apologies for the picture quality. If I can find it, again, I'll use the other camera.Yesterday, it wasn't stopping to wait.


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