Sneak Peek—Stories from The Expanding Universe Anthology #4: ‘Alaska’s Vengeance’ by J. L. Stowers

There are 20 short stories in the latest volume of Craig Martelle’s The Expanding Universe anthologies. Today, with Craig's permission, we are taking a sneak peek at the start of J. L. Stower’s story, ‘Alaska’s Vengeance’. Here’s how it begins:

It should have been a simple rescue mission, but when an enemy vessel packing heat and a major grudge intercepts the warship Alaska's Vengeance, it's up to Captain Dani Devereaux and her crew to outsmart and outlast their ruthless adversary.

“Brace for impact!” Captain Dani Devereaux called out. The guns on the massive enemy Vaerian ship let loose another barrage of white energy blasts. The attack was in sync with an assault from a dozen single-pilot fighter ships.

Alaska’s Vengeance shuddered as shots made contact with the already weakened shields. Dani relaxed her white-knuckled grip on her console and raised her hand to the communications device in her ear. “Peterson, anytime now would be great.”

“We’re doing the best we can out here, Captain. These fighters are better than any others we’ve encountered.”

Dani watched as Peterson’s red-tailed fighter zipped around the Vaerian destroyer in pursuit of the quick fighter ships. Her own ship focused fire on the enemy’s primary weapons system, the yellow-hued shields lighting up as the attack made contact. The destroyer’s guns began to glow again as they charged for another attack.
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