October 2018 Progress Overview

So the world went a little bit slideways towards the end of October… and I lost all my working records from the main drive – which means I lost about a week’s data, since I’d been slack and not backed up my files as regularly as I should have. Fortunately, the writing projects I’d worked on during that time had all been for external markets and had been sent off or stored off-site, so no work was lost… just a few records from the end of October and the beginning of November.

Anyway, with things going haywire, what with the school-based bullying of my child leading me to commence homeschooling, unexpectedly early visitors staying longer than originally planned, and complications with my mother’s on-going illness, I had to triage everything else, so this blog went sideways, too—along with completing Book 5 in the Mack ‘n’ Me series and finishing this month and next month’s short stories.

However, everything I had committed to for other people was met, and those endeavours have been successful… so far. Without further ado, this is what was accomlished in October (we'll take a look at cover November in a couple of days' time) :

Progress: October 2018
  • Administrative Hours: 59 hours
  • Acceptances: 2
  • Bloggery: 8,270
  • New words produced: 90,536
  • Outlines and Notes: 16,219
  • Words compiled: 273,574
  • Works completed:5 (2 short-story submissions, one novel under contract, 2 pieces of flash)
  • Works edited: 3 (2 short-story submissions, Harper & the Unicorn)
  • Covers created: 1 (C.M. Simpson Starter Library 2018)
  • Works formatted: 1 (2 short-story submissions, Harper & the Unicorn)
  • Works published: 1 (Harper & the Unicorn)
  • Works released: 1 (Harper & the Unicorn)
  • Works submitted: 3 (2 short-story submissions)
  • Competitions Entered: 1 (1 entry)
  • October Hours at Desk (not all recorded): 205 hours, 41 minutes
  • September Hours at Desk (not all recorded): 180 hours, 36 minutes
  • August Hours at Desk: 263 hours, 29 minutes
  • July Hours at Desk: 264 hours, 18 minutes
  • June Hours at Desk: 230 hours, 5 minutes
  • May Hours at Desk: 302 hours, 6 minutes
  • April Hours at Desk: 167 hours, 41 minutes
  • March Hours at Desk: 201 hours, 43 minutes
  • February Hours at Desk: 183 hours, 50 minutes
  • January Hours at Desk: 180 hours, 3 minutes


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