Tuesday's Short - Luck Among Servants

This week’s short story takes us from the science fiction story of a pilot whose ship crashes through the vortex into another dimension to the fantasy tale of a very lucky servant. Welcome to Luck Among Servants.

I’d always considered myself one of the lucky ones, lucky that the slavers had taken me and left my family, lucky to have found a master as kind as the one I had, just… lucky, so, when my master asked me to ride one of the many-legged spurline on an early morning errand, I considered myself lucky to have the honour. I never thought what it might be like when my luck ran out, and my master wasn’t around to intervene…

Luck Among Servants is available as a stand-alone short story at the following links: books2read.com/u/me0v99.

You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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