Carlie's Chapter 7 - Dear Tiger: Don't Look Back

LAST WEEK, Simone revealed that Odyssey were trying to reach Tiger before FedExplore did. This week, Tiger reveals he got off-world just in time to avoid being captured by the same beings that killed his parents.

Chapter 7 Excerpt – A Second Incursion

Hey, Simone,

Got your letter. Have to say, you’re getting really good at this sneaky I.T. thing. Those tracking programs at FedExplore don’t stand a chance.
I’m glad your parents are okay—and I hope they stay that way. I’ve been watching the news, but haven’t seen much… except for what happened on Tarvesh. You heard about that, right?
The newsies are calling it an ‘incursion’, but I think it’s something else. Anyway, I was heading for the shuttle to take me up to the next freighter I’d signed up for, when the world did this weird shuddery thing.


The complete series is available as short, individual ebooks, and will become available as an omnibus, later this year. In the meantime, you can find them on this blog, until one week after the last chapter in the last book of the series has been posted, at which point this series will be taken down, and a new series serialised on site.


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