Wednesday's Verse - From the Lightning to the Stone

This week’s verse moves from science-fantasy poem about alien allies to an eerie speculative piece about a dangerous journey home. It is taken from 366 Days of Poetry, a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2016.


From the Lightning to the Stone

From the lightning to the stone,

we do not walk these paths alone.

We do not walk these paths alone.

Every step is shadowed, every one.

Every one in every way,

unless we walk in light of day.

For, in light of day, we are alone.

No ghostly footsteps echo our own.

No ghostly whispers call our names.

No ghostly fingers touch our face,

so, on stormy days beware,

that the thunder in the air,

is warning you of dangers close,

who in the shade ’neath clouds all rose,

to hunt us, as on the path we walk,

from the lightning to the stone,

an essential journey,

where each step takes us home,

and where we are our weakest

to the lies that they suggest,

for in storm of life and soul

does their traitorous nature rest,

so, be aware we’re not alone,

in our journey to the stone,

but if we want our homes,

and our loved ones to greet us there,

then we must travel on,

and of the voices be aware.

You can find the first two poetry collections at the links below - although there are plans to reissue them with more genre-appropriate covers in the future. The third collection will be released later in the year.


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