NEW RELEASE: Trading by Shroomlight

This is just a quick note to say IT'S HEEEERE!

Trading by Shroomlight, the fifth book in the Magic Below Paris series is now live on Amazon.

Three caverns are secure, but a fourth stands in peril. Can Marsh and the shadow mages make the difference needed to save it?

An assassin.

Two rebellious children and a kat with attitude.

And a cavern on the brink of falling to invaders.

Ambushed on arrival, Marsh and the Protectors discover a cavern on the brink of destruction. With its inhabitants driven from their homes, and raiders on the move, Ariella’s Grotto is close to falling.
Can Marsh and the Protectors tip the balance?

Or is the Grotto destined to fall.

And, if it does, can they hope save those taken?


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