The Magic Below Paris Update - and a NEW COVER!!!

Hey all, I've been a bit (like close to twelve months) slack on writerly updates. I'll try to get back to doing those by mid- to late-November. I've got a bit on until then.


1. I completed, Trading into Daylight, the sixth book in The Magic Below Paris series, and turned it in to the editor late yesterday afternoon, or early yesterday evening. The last ten thousand words are always the hardest.

2. I started the seventh book in The Magic Below Paris series, later yesterday evening and laid down the first thousand words.

3. THE COVER FOR TRADING INTO DAYLIGHT ARRIVED TODAY!!!! It's another cover by Mihaela Voicu Digital Art and I LOVE it! Here it is:

One of their own has been taken. Two have gone ahead in pursuit. Can Marsh and Roeglin catch them before they are lost as well?

A team member taken.

Two stubborn children in hot pursuit.

And promises to keep.
Finally released from their obligations to the Grotto, Marsh and Roeglin go hunting the raiders who took Gustav...and try to catch up with Tamlin and Aisha who went after them on their own.

Can they catch up to the kids before they fall afoul of the raiders as well?

And what awaits them in the land above the caverns? 



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