Tuesday's Short - Rendezvous at the Raptor's Rest

This week’s short story takes us from the urban fantasy world of cross-dimensional elven politics and trolls to a steampunk fantasy story set in Australia with raptors and an overdue rendezvous. Welcome to The Rendezvous at the Raptor's Rest.

When his flying ship, the Red Horizon, was shot down, Tescher told no-one he had a woman on board. Three years later, he returns to the ship wreck, and finds Marianna not only survived the crash, but left him a message. She found what she was looking for aboard his ship, and she’ll wait for him at the Raptor’s Rest, but once a year—tonight. Tight flying will get him there in time, but it will take more than that for him get clear of the underworld predators circling the criminal shores on which Marianna has landed.

Rendezvous at the Raptor's Rest is available as a stand-alone novella-length short story at the following links: books2read.com/u/mqzDGe.

You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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