Carlie's Chapter 11 - Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab

LAST WEEK, Tiger revealed he'd lost contact with Simone, but had found out more about the mutagen she'd been infected with. This week, Simone tells him she's finally allowed to go home, but that she still feels like there's something strange going on... as if Odyssey isn't telling her everything.

Chapter 11 Excerpt – Going Home

Hey Tiges,
Sorry about the silence. I didn’t realise it had been so long. Haskell is teaching me how to control the beast inside my head. He’s Delight’s hunter. He says my beast sounds a bit different to his, but that every hunter has one, and that we each see the beast differently. He even says there have been hunters whose beasts have taken their bodies hunting without their brain’s permission.
Sound familiar?
Except that my hunter takes my brain along with it, when it gets hold of my body. Not my definition of fun, by the way.
Anyway, part of what he’s been teaching me is that hunters can’t just snuggle up to any intelligence when they go to sleep. He says that’s because our minds tend to play when the rest of us is asleep. It makes me sad to think I have to lock myself down when I go to sleep, but glad, too.


The complete series is available as short, individual ebooks, and will become available as an omnibus, later this year. In the meantime, you can find them on this blog, until one week after the last chapter in the last book of the series has been posted, at which point this series will be taken down, and a new series serialised on site.


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