Carlie's Chapter 14 - Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab

LAST WEEK, Simone arrived back at the lab to find Tiger had disappeared. This week, she reveals she knows where he is, and just how unhappy she is about it.

Chapter 14 Excerpt – Beast and Human Combined


They finally explained what happened to you.

And I’m not happy.

They weren’t going to, but, when they came to take me to my new quarters on Moon Base 49, I refused to leave your lab. We had quite an argument. They sent Pritchard, Agent Delight, and Hunter Haskell to come fetch me, so I just sat up on one of the benches and wouldn’t come down.


The complete series is available as short, individual ebooks, and will become available as an omnibus, later this year. In the meantime, you can find them on this blog, until one week after the last chapter in the last book of the series has been posted, at which point this series will be taken down, and a new series serialised on site.


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