Cover Evolution - A Journey through the Dear Tiger Series

So, it's Friday. I've got the flu and writing is problematic... creative writing with good words, not this kind of report-style writing. This and I need to stay awake to mind the podling so I need something light to do. I was going to update some covers, but when I went to take a look at them, I discovered I'd already done it - so I thought I'd take a moment to look back at the different evolutions these covers had gone through to reach their latest iteration.

These latest editions will be going up for pre-order over the next week or so...and I'll be releasing three-book omnibuses of them as well. They'll be released a month apart. with each omnibus being released the month after the final book that will be included in it.

Also, I will gradually be removing the chapter content from the Dear Tiger posts, as well, starting from Monday, January 10, 2020... today, so, in future, these will work like my Tuesday Shorts - which are short stories I have on sale that I make available for free for a week on this blog.

So, without more ado, here is the evolution each book and cover has gone through.

 Dear Tiger: I Miss You
(2nd Ed.: January 20, 2020)

 Dear Tiger: I Don't Think I'm Human Anymore
(2nd Ed.: February 20, 2020)

 Dear Tiger: Don't Look Back
(2nd Ed.: March 20, 2020)

 Dear Tiger: I Like Your Lab
(2nd Ed.: May 20, 2020)

 Dear Tiger: Let's Go A-Hunting
 (2nd Ed.: June 20, 2020)

 Dear Tiger: Help Me Find My Sisters(2nd Ed.: July 20, 2020)

There will be covers for the omnibuses...but not yet; I want to get better first.


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