Wednesday's Verse - Prospector Denied

This week’s verse moves from a speculative verse about a survivor to a science fiction verse about a fortune hunter getting their comeuppance. It is taken from Another 365 Days of Poetry, a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2019.


Prospector Denied

When I called, you did not answer

and I walked the world alone

When I cried, you were not there for me

and I turned my heart to stone

When I feared, you weren’t standing at my back

and I learned to face my fear despite the lack

so don’t return and ask me

to fall down at your feet.

Don’t be hurt when I regard you

and wonder what you could offer that I’d need

I’ve journeyed far since you left me

in a fit of pique

upon a world we didn’t know.

I’ve found my feet, my place, my home

so go back to your shuttle

and return to your far-flung stars

This world has made a place for me

and you have lost my heart.

You have lost my loyalty, my trust,

and the right to ask

that I travel where you dictate

and play the roles that you might cast.

And take your soldiers with you,

your corporate profiteers

You cannot speak on this world’s behalf

because, when you left me here,

I earned that right and I became

the one that listens to its will

and I will bargain for its people

and of you, we’ve had our fill.

You can find the first two poetry collections at the links below - although there are plans to reissue them with more genre-appropriate covers in the future. The third collection will be released later in the year.


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