Tuesday's Short - The Stars to Guide

This week’s short story takes us from a far flung colonial world trembling at the threat of raiders to a near-future Earth-type setting where. Welcome to The Stars to Guide.

When the stars told me my father would not return, my life changed—and my mother was not amused.

The Stars to Guide (Extract)

In the foothills of Monterey, I watched the stars, perched atop a jutting outcrop of rock that no-one else came to, by dint of the surrounding thorn bushes and rumours of wild cats. There were other outcrops, more attractive for picnics or canoodling, and easier to get to. This one was higher, and harder to reach, and the approach left pinprick holes and tears in both clothing and skin.

I liked it, because it meant my brothers would not follow, and my sisters refused to keep me company. Mother had bid them watch me, ever since she caught me at the lookout at midnight, looking up, and weeping.

“What’s the matter?” she had asked, and I had dashed away the tears.

“He left me,” I said.


You can also find Kristine Kathryn Rusch's latest free short story over on her blog: kriswrites.com. Why don't you go and check it out?


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