Wednesday's Verse - The Future of April Fools

This week’s verse moves from an urban fantasy verse about the sphinx and Egyptian myth to a speculative verse about the future of April Fools Day. It is taken from Another 365 Days of Poetry, a collection of mixed-genre poetry released in 2019.


The Future of April Fools

The second month of spring starts as a farce

with jokes dressed up as real to bribe and bait,

and tease the honest folk until the morning’s past,

and fact is fact, and fiction has to wait.

One would have thought this practice failed to make

its way past the most modern centuries,

that ‘neath another sun, it would not bake,

and that falsified facts would simply cease.

But this was not a practice eas’ly downed

since laughter lives in each and ev’ry man

and trickery in mankind’s heart abounds

so travels time, and space and many lands

On April First, must all lifeforms beware

for mankind’s little joke has reached the stars

and ev’ry sentient loves a chance to dare

the wrath engendered by a well-played farce.

So humour isn’t just a human trait

but is in all intelligence a state.

You can find the first two poetry collections at the links below - although there are plans to reissue them with more genre-appropriate covers in the future. The third collection will be released later in the year.


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