Time for an update. As you can imagine, I've been struggling a bit. I'm still sad at mum's loss, and working through other things that I have to prepare for in the not-far-enough-away future, and regrets...still the regrets at taking a chance on trusting someone, and being let down - again, which will take some time to work through. Despite all of that, I'm slowly getting things together, and working out what my path forward looks like. In short, it looks lumpy...but not impossible. In the meantime, here's where I'm at, since Saturday's post: On the YOUTUBE VIDEO GAME-PLAY front , I'm slowly catching up on the backlog and am now processing and scheduling videos just over a week ahead. As a result, I can now reward channel members with early access to videos as I schedule them. However, no video is locked behind the membership wall and each and every video is scheduled for public viewing, so you can see them at no cost, if you wait for them to release. I ...
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