Yesterday's Words #6 - Andromeda's Pledge #1

 The day before yesterday, I started a work-for-hire (WFH) project, so my routine got adjusted - which I always find hard to adapt to. So, the day before yesterday, I managed 2,000 words on what I will call WFH01. I can't share any of those. Yesterday, I reached my word minimum for that project (4,000) and then fitted in another 2,000 words on Andromeda's Pledge. Here are some of them:

Words from the 10th:

Andromeda's Pledge (Chapter 7): 

Back on the command deck, her father bowed his head as the crew briefly applauded.

“Nice work, Adriksson. Now, inform the ship we are jumping and strap down.”

“Yessir,” Stanik replied, hearing the captain speaking to the pilot and engineers as he did as he’d been asked.

“Ready?” Poulsson asked, as he finished the broadcast.

“Ready, sir,” came the steady answer.

As the pilot and engineers started the warp, the captain’s eyes drifted to his console, and the image of the skyfighters still pursuing them.

Two of the small craft was coming in for another strafing run when the ship put on a burst of speed.

The captain smiled with grim satisfaction as the pair broke up and away from the Pledge. He watched them come around and fire a pair of torpedoes each as the ship’s engines flared, thrusting her into the warp.

His smile faded as sensors registered a hit on their tail, but space blurred around them, and they were gone. The missile’s impact not felt until the Andromeda’s Pledge reappeared in another solar system, too far away to be seen.


Now, to see what today's words will bring :-)


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