NaNoWriMo Day 6 Words - Lunar Wolves Book 1

 Today's words for the NaNo novel are complete, and I'm about to shift into the words-for-hire project (which I also adore). Stats and extract for today are as follows:

Starting Words: 11,150

Finishing Words: 13,208

Total for This Project for the Day: 2,058 (and I didn't want to stop, but I have a long list of time-sensitive items to get through, today)

Extract: In which Oliver learns that sometimes our friends are not what we expect.


Oliver was so stunned he almost stopped.

“Don’t thank me,” Li added. “I’m still keeping count.”

That broke the tension, and Oliver chuckled.

“Four, right?”

“Nice try, Landy. It’s five…six, now, and you know it.”

“Six?” Oliver found the hatch he was looking for, and groaned as it opened in front of him.

“Sure. You don’t think I keep this thing locked for fun, do you?”

“You’re not going to swear me to secrecy?” Oliver asked, stepping through, and slowing to a cautious walk.

“Do I need to?” Li’s voice sounded light, but Oliver heard a hint of vulnerability.

He shook his head. “No. You know I don’t go in for that sort of thing.”

“Not unless you have a contract for it,” Li reminded him.

“Do you know how many contracts I’ve left alone because I thought you might be connected?”

“Another reason you’re still breathing,” Li told him, and Oliver’s breath caught.

Now, he knew the shadows were real—and a lot darker than he’d imagined. One day, if he hadn’t been leaving, he and Li might even have found themselves on opposing teams…and he never reneged on a contract.




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