(Yesterday's) Day 8 NaNoWriMo2020 Words - Lunar Wolves Book 1

 It was midnight when I stopped. I tried to refuse a brain break requirement and then realized it shouldn't be refused. When it was done, it was late...and so were my words. I hit over the minimum to stay on track, but 169 under my 2k goal as the clock ticked over.

Starting Words: 15,382

Ending Words: 17,213

Total for the Day: 1,831

Extract: The disguise isn't exactly what Oliver had planned:


“Now, look like the worst-tempered mongrel anyone could have the misfortune to meet,” the wolf instructed, and Oliver gave him a wide-eyed look.

The guy sighed. “Look. If I wanted frightened puppy, I’d have brought a shrink ray, but since we don’t have one of those, I need savage mongrel, okay?”

Oliver laid his ears back and curled his lip. Tallie leaned in and looked him in the eye.

“If you can’t do better than that,” the child whispered sweetly, “I’m going to rinse all this out, dip you in fuchsia and make you smell like you got dunked in a perfumery.”

Whether it was the proximity of her face, the expression in her eyes, or what she was suggesting, Oliver couldn’t tell, but he gave a snarl that shook the walls and snapped at her face. She was faster than he’d seen in the corridor, pulling her face out of range and wrapping both hands around his muzzle to clamp his jaws shut.

“That’s my boy,” she cooed, and Oliver growled.




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