An Update, a Poem and a New Cover

I know it's been a while since I actually blogged...or did a writing blog, but here's where we're at this week. By far the best news this week was the arrival of a new cover by Jake at JCaleb Design. It's for the upcoming re-release of 366 Days of Flash Fiction and it is nothing short of spectacular.

I have spent far too much time staring at it, but other news from this week, includes, in brief:

Another 365 Days of Poetry is almost done...and I'll be writing the last two pieces for that as soon as I finish with this post.

I've also advanced Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction, and I'll post the latest piece I wrote for that, tomorrow. If you're a fan of the Lunar Wolves, stay tuned for that.

The work-for-hire has been difficult but is going well and now entering the final stages as its deadline draws near. Needless to say, I can't share any of that.

And, finally, I've been working on an exclusive short story for the Tales of Mack 'n' Me collection, which I'll share a snippet of in a couple of days' time.

If you'd like to see snippets from the works-in-progress, you can find them on my Facebook page at:

That's where I also share sales from my publisher and any books I have on special, as well as new covers, releases and anything that's gone up for pre-order. Speaking of which, my publisher is currently having a sale on the 8-book Magic Below Paris boxed set, which is currently available for less than a US dollar. You can find that, here:


It's been a busy couple of weeks, so I'll leave you with this poem from Another 365 Days of Flash Fiction, which is due for release early next year.


Creatures in the Night


Written on August 13, 2021, for the December 22 entry of Another 365 Days of Poetry, this piece is inspired by things that move in the shadows.


I seek them…in the moonlight…in the dark

Soft shadows, creeping slyly

Bright eyes that gleam and spark

within the gold-light that I carry

in the lamp my clenched fist holds

as I raise it to the night sky

to see what the darkened yard enfolds.


I can never make them out.

They flicker, scurry from the gleam.

I catch a hint of litheness

as they scatter from the beam.

Almost human in one scant glimpse,

and beast-like in another,

The scrabble of their feet and claws

mingles with the rustle of their cover.


And, as much as I would like to know,

what shape their true form takes

Not one step past the porch I’ll go

to try my curiosity to slake.

And that's all the news I have for now. Take care out there, wherever and whenever in the world you are.


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