Available for Pre-Order - 366 Days of Flash Fiction

Due for release in March, the SECOND EDITION of 366 Days of Flash Fiction is available for pre-order at a number of outlets. You can find links to them at this Books2Read link.

What is it About?

Want to read a short story for every day of the leap year? Here’s a collection that might help. Some of these pieces tell of the fantastic, others which take us to the stars and a myriad of other worlds, and still others that horrify with creeping tales of the undead. Every story is an exploration of something that might have been and never was, or something that might yet be. Take a break from the world that is, and explore other possibilities.

2nd EDITION NOTE: This edition is a renewed version of the first edition, with the main changes being the new cover, new front and back matter, extensive re-paragraphing, Americanization of spelling, and some minor word changes. Outside those changes, most of the content remains unchanged.

 You can find links to 366 Days of Flash Fiction at at this Books2Read link and links to the other volumes in this collection series at this Books2Read link.


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