Extract 16 from This Month's New Release: Pixie Dust Dreaming (C.M.'s Collections #7)

 Pixies, trolls and urban policing, things got interesting when the Otherworld renewed its connection to ours. A new suite of crimes sprang into existence overnight…and a new breed of officer had to be found to combat them. This volume brings together all the stories, so far published, of the officers in the Paranormal Operations Squad…and the world in which they strive to maintain the peace.

Here's an extract from the sixteenth entry in this month's release of Pixie Dust Dreaming, the 7th collection in my Collections series, which released on the 4th. Links to the collection can be found at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP.

The Pixies and the Corrupt Cadets

Written on January 18, 2014, this piece first appeared as the January 15 entry of 365 Days of Flash Fiction, and explores more of the pixie dust world. It was inspired, in part, on the morning drive to work, and news reports of the indictable antics of a number of military cadets. These cadets and their supervisors are not representative of the majority of the young officers and their trainers taking part in training, today…and neither are the ones in the story.

I glared at the car in front of me; there had been plenty of room for the little, black four-wheel drive to make the intersection—and for me, too. I smoothed the glare from my face, noting the fake bull’s balls hanging from its toe bar—a sure representation of what the driver in front of me was lacking. I might not have been so impatient if I’d known every second might be costing another pixie its life. I might not have…maybe.

The rest of this entry can be found in the Pixie Dust Dreaming collection.


Cover art is by Jake at JCaleb Design, and links to Pixie Dust Dreaming can be found on Books2Read at: https://books2read.com/u/mY6xvP


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