About C.M. Simpson - Who I Am, and Where to Find Me - 2024

Welcome to a brief overview of who I am and where to find me on the web.

The Short Version:

I grew up in Australia, in country that inspires the imagination, and in towns that made me dream of worlds beyond my own, I started writing early and never stopped. Now, I love to get lost in story, whether I’m writing my own, or reading someone else’s.


The Longer Version:

Born in Far North Queensland, I ended up being dragged over most of the state before the age of ten--and then into the Northern Territory and back, so that I attended four different primary schools and two high schools by graduation. In a country that inspires the imagination, and in towns that made me dream of worlds beyond my own, I started writing early, and reading voraciously.

In high school, I discovered writers like Anne McCaffrey, Harry Harrison, John Christopher, Douglas Hill and Alan Dean Foster. They kept me company--and semi-sane--through most of my young adult years, and beyond. I’ve done time in the Royal Australian Air Force, worked as a governess and teacher, and been an analyst, and, all that time, I kept writing, and exploring both my worlds and those I was privileged to be invited to share.

In more recent years, I've discovered writers such as J.N. Chaney, Scott Moon, and Craig Martelle, and enjoyed their stories immensely, so if you're looking for a new sci-fi favorite, go check them out. Their stories have kept me company during some pretty rough times, and had me laughing, or crying, at the most unexpected points.

In the meantime, thank you, for sharing this part of my journey with me.

Where Can You Find Me?

If you want to keep in touch with news of what that looks like, and to see what I’m doing, and where I’m at with that, or what project I’m working on next, you can find me at any one of the sites below:

Books2Read: https://books2read.com/ap/RD6kA8/CM-Simpson

Blogspot: http://cmsimpson.blogspot.com.au/


Youtube (Writing): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFUNN9PxeSu6DjNPFjoLRjQ

Youtube (Gaming): https://youtube.com/channel/UCjOK2SvOHoT_ru9rlnlVS-g

Linked In: https://au.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/c-m-simpson-8279344a

Patreon: https://patreon.com/cmsimpsonwritergamer

ReamStories: https://reamstories.com/cmsimpsonwriter

X (formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/simpsoncolleen1

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com.au/cmsimpsonauthor/

What Have I Written?

 In addition to those series you can see throughout my post, I have also written, or am in the process of writing, these:


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