NEW RELEASE: Miss Delight's Mistake

An archaeological dig funded by tourism, where the tourists go missing. A mysterious cavern where the magic takes place. As an Odyssey agent, and a big brother looking for his sister, I had to go undercover to find out what was going on…and hope Agent Delight had my back as much as she said she did. Because operational triage was what she did best, and how was I going to get out of there if she decided she had a better lead to follow?

Miss Delight's Mistake is a science fiction short story that follows an Odyssey operative as they investigate some disappearances from an archaeological dig on a frontier world. 

You can find Miss Delight's Mistake available at a number of locations, listed at this Books2Read link:


You can find it as part of Tales of Odyssey and Miss Delight, a collection of short fiction and poetry found at one of the locations listed at this Books2Read link:


You can access it as part of the Wanderers and above subscriptions on my ReamStories page, here:






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