
Showing posts from 2025

Now Available for Pre-Order: Memory's Vampire

The first release for 2025 is imminent...and currently available on pre-order. Memory's Vampire is a stand-alone short story that can also be found in the Collection of Death and the Undead . Memory's Vampire will release a stand-alone e-story on January 16, 2025. What's it About? Memory's Vampire is an urban-fantasy, supernatural, horror short story involving a vampire hunter whose hunt just turned complicated. In her words: Not all vampires feed on blood. The ones we hunt take your memories before they take your life—and now they are hunting back. We’ve been compromised, and I don’t know who to trust. That comes later. Right now, I just want to make it back to my body alive.     How Does it Start? They say it is an extinct race, a cabal of creatures that do not exist, if they ever did. Mythical is one word, legendary another, but I prefer the term ‘nightmares.’ For they exist; I have seen them. I see them every night, when I am supposed to be asleep. I hunt ...

Game Play and Readings from January 15, 2025

As the schedules slowly sort themselves, and I finish recording another seven chapters of Dark God's Rise, I note that today's YouTube offerings are as follows: On the readings side, we have a contemplative piece about being able to live away from war zones:  And on the gaming side: Blaze checks out some of the tourist attractions nearing completion (in Coral Island): Mirriam Treespire brings down the 'mountain,' and completes the final marauder job quest (in Final Fantasy XIV online): Alta challenges the Frostfall golem...and hopes not to did...again (in Swords n' Magic and Stuff): And Tamrain, our crafter, continues to aid and assist the Queen and her Eyes in Auridon (in Elder Scrolls Online):

Game Play and Readings from January 14, 2025

On the reading front: we have a poem concerning mermaids: And, when it comes to games, we: Learn how to join the Antiquarian's Circle and unlock the scrying and excavation skill lines in Elder Scrolls Online: Explore the plague-ridden border region of Rethramis in Lost Ark: Earn ourselves an unusual sword in Sun Haven: And prep the island for another boat load of tourists in Critter Cove:

Game Play and Readings for January 12, 2025

The readings front is still running light, but I have videos in process. In the meantime, today's reading is a science-fiction take inspired by an old nursery rhyme: On the gaming front: We're the resident workshop owner and salvage diver in Critter Cove: Continuing with our taverning at Travellers Rest: Do a little house-flipping for a retired teacher and her cats: Explore some serious skeletons in a noble-woman's closet: Travel through a land ravaged by plague as we help investigate its source: And get to go hunting as a marauder in an adventure episode released a day early: