Adventure 1 Progress Report

Adventure 1
The writing on this project is going well.

Yesterday, after posting here, I added 2,000 words in adventure, new creatures, and spells. Today, I added another 2,000 words, although it was slow and frustrating. I created a template when I started writing this adventure, which means I have to remove unused parts of the template as I go, which means I go backwards in words. In spite of this word removal, the adventure and appendices now stand at 22,000 words. I'm fairly happy with that, as I have added details for seven new creatures, two variations on existing creatures, and two completely new spells. I have almost completely written the details for two more new creatures, but need to sleep on the equipment, magic and abilities. All in all, not a bad day.

Next Up: Catch the first installment of the first free read.


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