Finding my Feet Part 6—November Progress Report 4

Two tests, two days of working extra hours, a teething two-year-old and what amounts to two days off. A slow week this week, but the two days’ rest mean I’m about to head into to today with a clearer writing head.

Writing Me:

1.      YA Novel1: Ch.1-3 outline complete. Ch.4 outline started.
2.      Blog: 3/4 +1
3.      Bob Mayer and Jen Talty’s Publishing Options course: Wk 3 complete.
4.      Continue reading and working through Bob Mayer’s Write it Forward: From Writer to Successful Author and Joy E. Held’s Writer Wellness: A Writer’s Path to Health and Creativity.

Writing Head #2:

1.      Novella1: +1500 wds. I struggled with this all week, and as it is prioritised above my other goals, nothing else got done (except in class breaks while on a training course). I may have to put a time limit on it on days I struggle. I only have 2500 words to finish this month’s goal of 10000. Not sure if I can do it unless the story starts cooperating - or I find a bigger hammer.
2.      Blog: 1/4

Real-World Me

1.      Family
2.      Computing: 2/4
3.      Exercise


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