Finding my Feet Part 7— November Wrap-up

November went better. I’m starting to work out where my limits are and to balance them with my work. It does mean not writing as much as I used to, but it doesn’t mean giving up writing entirely.

Writing Me:

1.      Adventure1: Scene 2: Monster Stats /4 +;
2.      YA Novel1: Outline: Ch.1-4; character development:partial; 0/2000wds.
3.      Short Story1: outline: not completed; 0/2,000 words.
4.      Project1: Chapter 1 edited. Character Classes: edited the already completed work but did not completely finish the classes due to unexpected research requirements; Races: started; 1,500 /5,000 words BUT removed an equivalent amount from the manuscript draft. Still short, but not as short as I might have been. Chart-value should be noted to exceed value of word number entered in chart.
5.      Project2: Chapter 1: Adding Project2 to Your Campaign: was complete until I added a new section; Chapter2: Project 2 Class: started bare bones outline;. Start Chapter 3: Project 2 Equipment: Equipment names noted. ?/5,000 words.
6.      Blog: 4/4 +4.
7.      Completed Week 4 of Bob Mayer and Jen Talty’s Publishing Options course.
8.      Continue reading and working through Bob Mayer’s Write it Forward: From Writer to Successful Author and Joy E. Held’s Writer Wellness: A Writer’s Path to Health and Creativity.

Writing Head #2:

1.      Novella1: 7,500/10,000
2.      Blog: 2/4

Writing Head #3:

1.      Novella1A: 0/5,000 words; Edit:.
2.      Blog: 0/4.

Real-World Me

1.      Family: spent more quality time with family;
2.      Study time on languages increased slightly, BUT not to a half hour a day.
3.      Computing: 2/4 subjects completed;
4.      Exercise: sporadic but not up to ½ hr/3-4 times a week.
5.      Household: sporadic, but house is tidier.


I have a lot on – okay, so we already knew that. I have to admit that there are some times of the week when I cannot expect to get any writing done. Sleep is important. Without enough of it, I cannot write anywhere near my best and this means revisions eat more time than production. I need to factor in more research time for Project 1, and more time to relax if writing is to remain productive. I just took a weekend off, and the break has re-energised my writing, particularly for the Projects. December 2011 is going to test what I think my sustainable output will be, and January 2012 will be the first month of what should be my new writing routine.
I will blog on my goals for December in the next couple of days.


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