Individual Release of stories and poems included in An Anthology of Dragons

After much debate, I have decided to individually release all the work included in An Anthology of Dragons. This will increase my visibility at various sale points, as well as give my readers a choice of buying the anthology at $2.99 or each individual piece at $0.99-$1.49, depending on length.

The blurb and the cover of each individual piece will clearly state that it can be found in An Anthology of Dragons, and the blurb will let readers know that it is cheaper to purchase the collected pieces as an anthology than to purchase each story or poem individually.

I decided not to do a great variety of covers here, but to use one simple cover-type to tie each piece to the Anthology so that readers can see which stories and poems have been grouped together and where. This is what the individual stories look like when grouped together:

And this is what the anthology looks like on its own:

I will keep you updated as each individual story is released.


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