First Paragraphs: Nettlefold Princess

Nettlefold Princess is a speculation on conflicts that might arise with urban encroachment over land that once belonged to fairies. In this case, a teenager finds out first hand. Here's how it starts:

Nettlefold Hollow took its name from the myriad nettles that grew there. Stinging nettles mingled with greater and lesser nettles as well as wood and hedge nettles. Clambering amongst the rocks and mingling with clumps of grass or peeking from beneath the blackberries, the nettles dominated the hollow. With emerald leaves, highlighted in silver and dripping diamonds from the morning dew, the nettles were beautiful… until some unwelcome visitor brushed against them. Rumors of fairies were rife.

 can be found in 

An Anthology of Worlds was released mid-September 2012 and can be found at Amazon (in print and e-book) and Smashwords.


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