Fisherpriest available

Fisherpriest, my fourth novel is complete and available. Novels 1-3 are a different series and will go up over the next couple of months.

Fisherpriest is a 96,000-word tale of dark fantasy, and the first in a new series set on the world of Tzamesch. It is a story from Vicarey-Esselwood, the founding kingdom of the Five Kingdoms alliance. Please bid welcome to the first of many Tales from the Five Kingdoms.

Overview: When the two halves of her soul rejoin, Linna finds herself in a city she does not recognize on a world she thought existed only in her imagination. To make matters worse, she is captured and sold to four princes from a distant land, who require a priest of the sea, and the god she serves has rejected her. What starts out as a journey to regain her deity’s approval, soon becomes a flight for her life. With one prince at her side, and unspeakable evil at her back, Linna embarks on a journey where she must survive pursuit by the purist Silver Mountains tribeselves, and captivity by the cave spider clan in order to find her place in the world.

Fisherpriest is currently available from Smashwords, but will also become available at Amazon and DriveThruFiction.


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