Progress Report Week 1 December 2012

So, yesterday was the first day of December, but because it falls on a Saturday, it counts as the end of the first week of December—there’s logic in there somewhere; I’m sure I’ll see it someday. Anyway, I got no writing done at all for four days this week. Progress was still made, but this reduction in writing time is looking like it could become permanent. I guess it’s okay, though. Progress will still be made, and projects will still be finished, just not as quickly as I’d like. Life goes on.

Current Projects

  • DarkFantasy1A: Revised Ch.21-26; added 18,000 words. I am now 2,000 words ahead of where I was at this point in the original novel—and that is with the large bleeding chunks I’ve torn completely out of it. The good news is that I’m have just on 11,000 words to revise and should have this draft completed this weekend, meaning I can get started on the editing, with a view to cover design and upload within the next fortnight. Yay. The bad news is that I now have 29 days to completely revise, edit, design covers for and upload DarkFantasy1B-C, although, admittedly, those should not require the level of editing and revision this book did. Now, I’m starting to understand why most first novels never see the light of day.

Backburner Projects

  • Nil progress, which hurts because I really want to set up a release schedule for next year for the roleplaying adventures… provided I am granted the licensing agreement, which, of course, is not guaranteed.

Publishing Tasks

  • Selected cover elements for DarkFantasy1A, and partly selected cover elements for DarkFantasy1B-C.
  • Investigated Kobo’s Writing Life.
  • Investigated the costs involved with self-sourcing ISBNs—doable.
  • Updated this blog twice.

Craft-Building Tasks

  • Completed blog skim/reading.

New Arrivals

  • ParanormalNovels1A-G: I probably should have put these down in November Week 4’s progress report, except that I didn’t get to jot them down until this week. A series of books to do with psychics, ghosts and fairytales, inspired by a song – I’ll reveal which one when I release the first novel. I have a theme, some elements, titles and vague ideas. These novels could take me a while.
  • DarkFantasy7A-C: inspired from backstory discovered in Chapters21-22 of DarkFantasy1A.
  • ShortStory52: inspired by a phrase that popped into my head, and linked to Anthology5 (not the fifth Simpson anthology; that’s Anthology7 on the ideas list. I hope I haven’t muddled them up.)
  • RPGAdventure11A: Bugs! And treasure… and stuff. I am itching to get this thing written… not literally, though.


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